Now that the leaves have begun their decent, we must be sure that the vital pathways of the roof are clear to allow for thawing and proper diversion of water – away from the foundation. Think of your the gutters on your house as the veins of the house. If they are clogged, things start to back up. Ice Damning is a perfect example of a potential result of backlogged gutters.
Use the buddy-system if you are going up on the roof. Make sure the ladder is tall enough to safely reach the top (so you can get back down!) some other roof cleaning options are mentioned on This Old House.
As you sweat from raking all the leaves – breathing in the crisp autumn air – remember, you’ll be done with “yard” work for the winter. City of Madison leaf collection. To make it less of a chore, do sections of the yard throughout the week. Less aches and more Vitamin D.
Hostas and most perennials can be cut back: Perennial Fall Maintenance. This helps with raking and will reduce the soggy spring plant bed preparation. A great way to stay green is to use decomposing yard waste bags as you clean the green away.
If you plan to use your wood fireplace, now is the time to get it inspected. Contact your local Fireplace installer to find a knowledgeable chimney sweep that can service your area. Remember to keep stacked wood away from the foundation of your home (especially if your home is made of wood!) A tarp will keep the moisture off of the wood. Bring in only what you need to use.
Before the snow flies, make sure that all the hoses are disconnected, emptied and stored for winter to prevent cracking. Double check the exterior faucet to see if there is an interior shut-off valve for the water. Better safe than flodded from a cracked pipe.
Speaking of winter, now is a great time to get first pick on a snow blower-before the first snow rush. I just bought a Toro CCR 2450 after much online research. I’ll keep you posted on how it throws snow.