Orchard Ridge & Greentree Neighborhood Open House

Orchard Ridge & Greentree Neighborhoods are holding the majority of the listed homes open this Sunday, with times varying from 12noon to 4pm.

Address Price Agent Name Phone Number Open Time
1125 S Whitney Way $188,500 Heidi Uhrig (608) 444-6831 12PM-2PM
6606 Piping Rock Rd $239,900 Kathy Griswold (608) 345-0424 12PM-2PM
4934 Raymond Rd $199,900 Heidi Uhrig (608) 444-6831 12PM-2PM
4914 Raymond Rd $184,900 Matt Winzenried (608) 443-7074 12PM-2PM
6409 Woodington Way $204,900 Geoffrey Gyrisco (608) 354-9456 1PM-4PM
5705 Hempstead Rd $199,875 Devery Cash (608) 445-4141 1PM-3PM
5717 Dorsett Dr $199,900 Jane Marie Pechauer (608) 695-8181 1PM-3PM
5402 Tolman Terr $239,900 Heidi Uhrig (608) 444-6831 2PM-4PM
5613 Tolman Terr $179,000 Robin Anderson-Guernsey (608) 213-8778 2PM-4PM
5713 Tolman Terr $235,000 Yvonne Gern (608) 219-8959 2PM-4PM