There are many, many different reasons for buying (and occupying) real estate. Some common reasons are that a mortgage payment is often less than a rent payment, mortgage interest is tax deductible, real estate tends to be an appreciating asset, and the list goes on and on. The common theme often relates to money and how we can get the most out of our investment. With that in mind, make sure you’re aware of the tax credits that are currently available for certain home improvements. Examples are some window and door replacements, some roof replacements, and some furnace and central air conditioning replacements. The list is long and you can should familiarize yourself with the factors needed to qualify for a particular tax credit before committing yourself to anything. But for those that make the qualifying home improvements, enjoy yet another monetary perk of home ownership!
If you have questions about the tax credits available for certain home improvements, visit the government website that outlines the program and email